Thank you Crystal!

The implied conflict you express so eloquently is always front of mind in my life ... for me it's not so much that I believe one should be dominant over the other, rather it often seems impossible to make a "right" choice of whether to honour head or heart when there isn't time or bandwith enough to honour both. Choices, imperfect as they are, must in fact be made, and they come with consequences (as well as desired rewards, hopefully) which are sometimes very uncomfortable, for me or others.

But avoiding discomfort is certainly not the answer, or the path I want to follow, so maybe my anchor phrase for 2023 should be "Come on in, make yourself uncomfortable!".


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Wise message beautifully written. What is the price and terms of a subscription?

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Hi Lisa, The membership tier and rates will be changing soon. The basic subscription is free and I’ll be posting details in the next month on the rest. Thanks so much for asking!

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