Lovely honest share here :)

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Thank you all for the wonderful, kind, and compassionate words of support. I wish I had the ability to respond to each one of you individually today, but I suspect you understand. So much gratitude!

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Dear Crystal,

Burn out is an sneaky, evil beast that preys on our self-belief and has deeply buried tendrils. Combined with your "chronic illness & disability", it just sits there waiting to pounce. Huzzah! You spit in its eye and are taking the care/recovery time you need! I too am more than happy to leave my subscription active ... it is simply 'paying it forward' a for gentle soul who is in need, and repaying you for all the gifts of how and why to believe in ourselves that you've taught us in the past. Prayers are said for you each day ... rest and recover.

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Dear Crystal,

Your life, and your teaching have meant so much to me over the last three years. I love you for your honesty and feel a deep sense of integrity coming from you. I'm happy to continue to support you for as along a needed with no expectations from you. I will be speaking Amanda's Metta meditation for you as well. Rest deeply.

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Dear Crystal,

Feeling guilty about anything doesn’t let you heal. You have shared so many truths with us and one for you right now is how much you have given of yourself to help us grow and that you need time to focus on getting better and regaining your strength. We all will be here when you are. I haven’t felt I could touch any of my art since November and knowing I have your new classes ready and waiting is a blessing for me.

Thank you,


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At the end of the day it is ourselves we must take care of - until we are the best we can be, we cannot give too much away to others.

Take care lovely lady - take the time you need to recover. Keep hold of your community for they will support you with love and encouragement.

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I always admire your strength and power as a woman and artist. I always wonder how you do this. How you have all this energy and manpower to do what you do! Absolutely baffles me. And even if you are bedridden, sick and exhausted you come here and try please your readers. I hope you take the time you need to recover! There is little which is more important than good health! So get well soon!

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Be kind to you. 💕💕💕

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I'd gladly pay for the building anticipation of your next post no matter how long the gap. A dear friend shared a book with me this past year, Radical Friendship. Inside I found the treasure of the Metta Meditation which I'm now practicing for you with a little addendum of my own:

May you be safe and protected from inner and outer harm (despite covid)

May you be happy and peaceful in body, heart and mind (despite covid)

May you be healthy and strong as can be (despite covid)

May you live with ease (despite covid)

May you give and receive all the love that you need (despite covid)

May you feel that love right now (despite covid)

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addendum: I do understand that pressure though. We're here for you when it's time.

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Dear courageous heart, it is so good to put this truth out there. Your honesty is teaching those for whom such experiences are foreign to consider their understanding of chronic health issues and assumptions made about those of us who live with them every day and night. Rest and more rest… so easily said but so inconvenient! I hold you in my heart with prayer.

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you certainly don't need to apologize to anyone except, perhaps yourself. You are still pushing hard and it's neigh impossible for you not to do this as you have conditioned yourself so. You know in your head that you need to pull back but making it a reality is another matter. You have pressures just to survive, pay the bills, meet deadlines, create...etc etc. You are an amazingly strong woman but even the strongest must give herself "permission". You are in the process of accepting the permission you hate to give yourself but you really must. So please listen and reread your beautifully written words. We are all out here cheering you on and praying for your good health. This all takes time, Crystal and please take it...time to recover, relax, refresh, recharge. You are not letting us down and don't let yourself down. We all love and respect your situation and we're here....

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Please take care of yourself and take the time you truly need. We’ll all still be here when the time is right. ❤️

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Be gentle with yourself and take more time than you think you need

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